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MiLife Treatments

Ayurvedic Treatment

Ayurveda, an ancient medicinal system that originated in the Indian subcontinent thousands of years ago, embodies the literal meaning of "knowledge of life" (Ayur = life, Veda = knowledge). Its roots are intertwined with the ancient Indian culture, and it was transmitted through an oral tradition from adept masters to their disciples for many centuries. Profound philosophers have compiled a substantial portion of this knowledge. Ayurveda operates as a holistic medical science, grounded in natural principles, to help individuals maintain a harmonious balance between their body, mind, and soul in sync with nature, thereby preserving their health. At its core lies the delicate equilibrium of the three doshas—vata, pitta, and kapha—within the body. Unlike a narrow focus on ailments, Ayurveda perceives an ailing person holistically, striving to restore complete well-being. This timeless wisdom of Ayurveda has seamlessly evolved, incorporating ancient insights into modern academic pursuits.

It's pivotal to grasp the inherent contrast between Ayurveda and modern medicine. Contemporary medical practices predominantly revolve around symptoms and illnesses, heavily reliant on medications and surgeries to eliminate pathogens or diseased tissues. This approach has undeniably been instrumental in saving many lives. However, a significant proportion of synthetic drugs bear unintended side effects and undermine the body's vitality despite their disease-curing properties.

Ayurveda's scope transcends the confines of disease-centric attention. Instead, it embraces a comprehensive approach that underscores fortifying the entirety of the body and upholding equilibrium in energy. With a balanced energy state, even a modest endeavor can suffice to remedy ailments. The presence of harmonized energy within an individual can substantially bolster the body's innate immune mechanisms, rendering it adept at warding off afflictions. It's important to remember that in some situations, using both Ayurveda and modern medicine together can be a better approach. This combination can help make a person stronger in fighting diseases. If a patient's condition and the type of illness they have require it, we can provide both modern medical care and Ayurvedic treatments at Milife, if the patient prefers.

Our Departments

Department of Neurology

Providing Care for Brain and Nervous System Disorders
Dedicated to addressing disorders related to the brain, spinal cord, nerves, muscles, and neuromuscular junctions. A broad array of factors such as genetics, environment, trauma, vascular issues, tumors, infections, and inflammation can disrupt the smooth functioning of both the central and peripheral nervous systems, resulting in a range of ailments.

Department of Orthopedic Diseases

Restoring Mobility and Comfort
In the domain of orthopedic diseases, we focus on problems affecting muscles, ligaments, and joints across the body. Any injury or damage to these crucial elements can significantly impact movement and daily comfort. Our approach involves a safe and effective treatment path for a wide range of orthopedic conditions, utilizing the combined benefits of Ayurveda and physiotherapy.

Department of Rehabilitation

Restoring Independence and Vital Abilities
Our rehabilitation department is dedicated to aiding you in regaining the necessary capacities for your everyday activities or assisting in their enhancement and maintenance. These capabilities, spanning physical, mental, and cognitive realms, might diminish due to illness, injury, or medical treatment-related side effects. Rehabilitation significantly elevates your daily life's quality and functionality. Furthermore, alongside our Ayurvedic rehabilitation services, "Midlife" extends access to modern physiotherapy facilities and cutting-edge techniques.

Department of Rejuvenation

Reviving Vitality and Youthfulness
Within this department lies the comprehensive realm of rejuvenation, as termed "Rasayana" in Ayurveda. It embodies a traditional Ayurvedic approach aimed at restoring the body's vigor to its utmost potential and sustaining youthful vitality at any age. Rejuvenation not only imparts a youthful and energetic demeanor but also augments skin radiance, sleep quality, appetite, memory, and mental focus. Additionally, it heightens the acuity and functionality of sensory organs—eyes, nose, tongue, and ears—while bolstering immunity against common ailments. This treatment also invigorates sexual organs, enhancing both potency and vigor.

Dermatology Department

Nurturing Skin and Hair Health
In this department, we specialize in addressing skin ailments and hair issues. Ayurveda emphasizes that robust skin and hair health stem from an individual's overall well-being. Ayurvedic herbal remedies play a pivotal role in purifying the skin and eliminating body toxins, primarily responsible for various skin and hair disorders.

Kidney & Diabetes Department

Comprehensive Care for Kidney and Diabetes Conditions
Our specialized department caters to an extensive spectrum of kidney diseases and diabetes, offering genuine Ayurvedic solutions that address both symptoms and underlying causes. Diabetes, a metabolic disorder, arises when the body struggles to utilize glucose from digestion, leading to elevated glucose levels in the blood and urine. Glucose, a vital energy source for cells, requires insulin—a hormone—for its utilization. In diabetes, the body either fails to produce insulin or effectively uses it, resulting in heightened blood glucose levels that harm crucial organs like the heart, kidneys, eyes, and nerves. Complications encompass heart disease, kidney failure, blindness, and stroke. Our successful Ayurvedic interventions span all stages of diabetes, providing remedies for a healthier life. Regarding kidney diseases, our treatments encompass an array of conditions, including Chronic Kidney Disease (C.K.D) and Nephrotic Syndrome. We approach these ailments without resorting to dialysis or kidney transplantation. Even for patients who don't respond well to dialysis, we strive to restore kidney function to a state where dialysis becomes viable. This is achieved through divinely-guided treatments that aim to rejuvenate the kidneys.

Infertility Treatment Department

Empowering Parenthood Journey
In the realm of male infertility, low sperm count (Oligospermia) stands as a common issue, often accompanied by challenges like poor sperm motility (Asthenozoospermia). The coexistence of these problems (Oligoasthenospermia) further compounds the complexities.

For male infertility concerns, our interventions, guided by divine assistance, encompass:

  • Elevating sperm count
  • Enhancing sperm movement
  • Amplifying active sperm motility
  • Augmenting semen volume
  • Balancing normal and abnormal sperm percentages
  • Elevating sperm quality
  • Enhancing male testosterone levels
  • Addressing varicocele issues

In the realm of female infertility, with the help of divine guidance, we offer:

  • Strengthening the reproductive system
  • Enhancing fertility
  • Regulating ovulation
  • Managing menstrual cycles
  • Mitigating pelvic inflammation
  • Balancing hormones
  • Enhancing overall female health
  • Countering elevated male hormones in cases of "PCOS"

Female infertility, within childbearing age, results from a myriad of factors such as ovarian conditions, fallopian tube disorders, age-related considerations, uterine issues, stress, lifestyle changes, and delayed marriages. Conditions like Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) and pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) can also contribute to infertility in females.

Geriatrics Department

Revitalizing Elderly Vitality
At our Geriatrics Department, we are dedicated to rekindling the vibrancy of our elderly individuals. Tailored programs, spanning rehabilitation and rejuvenation, are meticulously crafted to cater to their unique needs. Seniors often grapple with various challenges, from persistent pain and chronic ailments to cognitive decline and digestive issues. Our department is committed to nurturing, preserving, and safeguarding their well-being.

Oncology Department

Comprehensive Cancer Care Within our Oncology Department, we focus on treating both tumors and cancers. Ayurveda categorizes these as Granthi (non-malignant tumors) and Arbuda (malignant tumors). Non-malignant growths arise from imbalances in the primary Doshas - Vata, Pitta, or Kapha. Conversely, malignant tumors and cancers are Tridoshaja, involving all three Doshas. Ayurveda's approach to these conditions is multifaceted. It addresses the root cause, alleviates accompanying symptoms, and fosters overall health enhancement.

Gynecology Department

Comprehensive Women's Health Care
Our gynecology department focuses on providing comprehensive care for women during pregnancy and childbirth and addressing various other women's health conditions.

Pediatrics Department

Holistic Child Care
Our Pediatrics Department oversees the well-being of children from infancy through childhood, offering comprehensive care and management of various childhood diseases.

Speech Therapy Department

Enhancing Communication and Swallowing
Our Speech Therapy Department offers a range of services encompassing the diagnosis, treatment, and assessment of communication disorders, cognitive-communication impairments, voice anomalies, and swallowing difficulties. Additionally, we specialize in diagnosing and addressing speech challenges linked to autism spectrum disorder.

Dentistry Department

Bringing Smiles to Life
Our Dentistry Department offers a range of treatments, including:

  • Hollywood smile
  • Dental implants
  • Dental prosthesis
  • Orthodontics
Experience a dazzling smile that rivals those of Hollywood stars with our specialized "Hollywood smile" treatment available at "Milife".

Cosmetology Department

Discovering Natural Beauty
At our Cosmetology Department, the finest method to nurture and enhance your innate beauty is through Ayurvedic interventions. Elevate your allure with our Ayurvedic medications crafted from natural and herbal ingredients, meticulously following Ayurvedic principles.

Our treatments encompass herbal cosmetics, along with powders derived from precious metals, gemstones, and minerals. The distinction between natural and synthetic materials employed in cosmetology is striking; the human body resonates positively with natural substances, yielding fewer side effects.

Urology Department

Complete Urinary Tract Care
At "Milife" we offer a comprehensive range of Ayurvedic medicines and procedures to address urinary tract diseases.

Psychiatry Department

Mental Wellness Hub
Our Psychiatry Department specializes in diagnosing and treating mental illnesses and stress, providing you with relaxation strategies.

Eye & Ear Department

Enhancing Vision and Hearing
This department focuses on the treatment of eye and ear diseases and disorders.

Surgery Department

Surgical Excellence, Ayurvedic Style
Our Surgery Department, known as "Shalya Chikitsa" in Ayurveda, performs various surgical procedures using traditional Ayurvedic techniques and instruments crafted from natural materials like stones, wood, and leaves.

Detoxification Department

Purifying Your Health
This department targets ailments stemming from toxins in plants, minerals, and animal products.

General Department

Comprehensive Adult Care
Our General Department provides holistic care for adult conditions not covered by other specialized departments.

Our Treatment Methods

In addition to providing internal medicines aligned with all our departments, we also extend a wide array of Ayurvedic treatment approaches, which encompass:


Panchakarma means "five treatments" in Sanskrit. It involves five procedures that help balance our body's energies (Doshas), improve digestion, remove toxins, and renew our overall health.

Ayurveda suggests Panchakarma for mental and physical well-being. It's important to consult an Ayurvedic Doctor to decide which treatments are right for you.
The five Panchakarma therapies are Vasti, Nasya, Vamana, Virechana, and Raktamoksha. Panchakarma benefits include detoxifying the body, boosting immunity, and restoring health and vitality.


Abhyanga, from Sanskrit, literally translates to "applying oil all over the body." In Ayurveda, it refers to a full-body massage with oil, aiming to relax and rejuvenate. Often, sesame oil is preferred, although various herbal oils are tailored for specific health needs. Abhyanga offers numerous advantages, including muscle relaxation, enhanced blood circulation, and skin purification.

When practiced daily for two weeks or more, Abhyanga proves beneficial for neurological, muscular, and rheumatic issues. Consistent treatment can lead to improved eyesight, sleep, digestion, and sexual vitality, countering aging effects. However, this treatment isn't advised during pregnancy, menstruation, or severe illnesses like fever, chills, and flu. Those with indigestion, vomiting, diarrhea, or fatigue should also refrain.


Shirodhara involves pouring a gentle stream of medicinal oil, milk, or buttermilk on the forehead. "Shiro" means head, and "Dhara" means flow. This Ayurvedic therapy stimulates the pituitary gland through the cerebral system, enhancing the senses and calming the nervous system.

It's renowned for alleviating stress, anxiety, depression, and insomnia. Shirodhara also promotes better sleep and memory. However, individuals with brain tumors, recent neck injuries, head cuts, fever, acute illnesses, nausea, vomiting, weakness, and exhaustion should avoid it. Pregnant women in their third trimester should also refrain from this treatment.


Kativasthi involves applying specially prepared warm medicinal oil on the lower back, enclosed by herbal paste boundaries. Lasting 45 minutes to an hour, this treatment is remarkably effective for various back pain and spine issues. "Kati" signifies the lower back, while "Vasthi" refers to containment.

It's a versatile solution for most spine and back discomfort. Despite its simplicity, Kativasthi yields profound outcomes. This therapy alleviates nerve compression and offers respite from back-related degenerative ailments. Typically spanning two to three weeks, it employs heated herbal oil-soaked plant pouches for precise massage, enhancing blood circulation, muscle vigor, and skin radiance.

While it offers benefits such as improved blood circulation, enhanced muscle strength, and better skin complexion, it's not recommended for those with skin allergies, hypertension, varicose veins, deep vein thrombosis, fever, diabetes, pregnancy, or sensitive skin.

Marma Therapy

Marma therapy, an Ayurvedic practice originating 5,000 years ago in India, seeks to rejuvenate the body, mind, and spirit by opening energy channels. The term "marma" translates to "weak point" in Sanskrit. Marma therapy involves channeling energy to these marma points for healing.

This therapy yields a significant impact by revitalizing the latent energy within marma points, relieving muscle stiffness, and enhancing blood circulation. Its effects are swiftly felt, offering healing or relief from ailments. The therapy comprises gentle and sometimes firmer touches on marma points. These touches trigger a cascade of positive reactions, fostering healing and the restoration of vitality.


Udvarthanam is an Ayurvedic massage treatment aimed at reducing fat and weight. This therapy employs dry herbal powder to eliminate excess fat and boost metabolism.

The massage targets hair follicles and subcutaneous fat tissue to break down fat storage. It involves massaging against the direction of body hair growth. Udvarthanam benefits individuals dealing with obesity, paralysis, paraplegia, skin conditions, and poor blood circulation. It also enhances skin complexion, exfoliates the skin, and alleviates stress. However, Udvarthanam isn't suitable for pregnant women, infants, or those with wounds, eczema, or psoriasis patients.

Herbal Steam Bath – Ushma Sweda

Ushma Sweda, or herbal steam bath, is an age-old Ayurvedic practice often performed after Abhyanga treatment. This procedure induces sweating throughout the body. It proves highly effective against rheumatism, pain relief, and skin smoothening.

Ushma Sweda plays a vital role as a preparatory step for other significant procedures, such as Vamana.


Bidalaka is an Ayurvedic remedy primarily employed for treating eye conditions. In this practice, a medicinal herbal paste is gently applied to the eyelids, excluding the lashes, for a designated duration.

It proves beneficial for addressing an array of eye concerns including conjunctivitis, watery eyes, computer vision syndrome, eye strain, cataracts, glaucoma, night blindness, eyelid drooping, corneal ulcers, and inflammatory eye lesions.


Nasya is a vital treatment for heat-related ailments. In this therapy, medicinal powders and oils are gently administered through the nostrils, as they serve as a direct path to the brain. This practice strengthens immunity in the upper part of the body, detoxifies, and stimulates the nasal cavity's mucous membrane.

Nasya therapy heightens sensory organ activity and safeguards against head-related disorders. It offers relief from migraines, persistent headaches, sinusitis, and ear, nose, and throat issues. Additionally, it promotes healthy hair growth and wards off premature aging. However, Nasya should be avoided during pregnancy, menstruation, severe health conditions, infectious diseases, fever, or heart attacks.


Njavarakizhi is an Ayurvedic massage therapy using medicinal rice. It employs a unique rice variant called Njavara. This rice is cooked with milk and herbs, and the blend is enclosed within light cotton pouches, which are then used for body massage. This treatment effectively alleviates joint-related issues such as pain, swelling, stiffness, and arthritis. It revitalizes the body, enhances tissue, bone, and muscle strength, prevents joint and muscle tissue breakdown, and enhances blood circulation. Njavarakizhi proves beneficial for conditions like osteoporosis, rheumatoid arthritis, cervical spondylosis, sciatica, spondylolisthesis, paralysis, and frozen shoulder. However, individuals with tuberculosis and fever should avoid this treatment.


Pizhichil is an Ayurvedic remedy that mixes frame rub down with oil and a unique thermal procedure. During the massage, warm medicinal oil is continuously poured over the body. This treatment enhances muscle tone, profoundly impacts the nervous system, and aids in managing neurological disorders. It also boosts blood circulation and expels toxins. Pizhichil accelerates bone healing, bolsters immunity, and reduces stress and anxiety. Effective against rheumatic diseases, arthritis, paralysis, and blood pressure issues. However, individuals with hemorrhage, vomiting, and hives should avoid Pizhichil treatment.

Sarvanga Takra Dhara

Sarvanga Takra Dhara is a traditional Ayurvedic therapy involving the application of medicated buttermilk poured over the body. It benefits both well and unwell individuals, addressing physical and mental health concerns. This treatment proves effective against conditions like psoriasis, high blood pressure, and sleep issues. It aids in managing insomnia, premature aging, fatigue, headaches, urinary problems, heart ailments, joint issues, metabolic disorders, ear and eye conditions, migraines, memory loss, Alzheimer's, hair loss, diabetic neuropathy, and paralysis. However, Sarvanga Takra Dhara isn't suitable for chronic sinusitis, cold, vomiting, dizziness, and open wounds.


Shirovasti is a distinctive Ayurvedic treatment where herbal oil is poured onto the head and enclosed with a cap or bandage for a specific duration. The chosen herbal oils undergo a special heating process to Maximize their medicinal benefits, achieved by placing the oil bowl in boiling water before application.

Shirovasti proves effective for conditions like head numbness, aiding in alcohol or drug addiction recovery, and addressing various psychological disorders. Additionally, it's employed for treating facial paralysis, insomnia, cataracts, spondylitis, and neurological issues.

However, Shirovasti should be postponed in the presence of symptoms like coryza, cough, weakness, fatigue, fever, jaundice, and rhinitis. Menstruating individuals are advised to avoid Shirovasti.


Vasti involves the elimination of toxins and impurities from the body by introducing liquid medicinal substances, such as herbal oils or mixtures, through the rectum into the colon, or via the urethra or vaginal canal to the uterus.

Referred to as Vasti, this treatment varies based on the specific ailment. It effectively addresses sexual disorders, constipation, bloating, chronic fever, colds, kidney stones, heartache, vomiting, back and neck pain, excess acidity, sciatica, rheumatism, arthritis, and neuromuscular disorders.

However, Vasti is not suitable during pregnancy, menstruation, or for individuals with diarrhea, anal inflammation, or rectal bleeding.

Uttara Vasti

Uttara Vasti is an Ayurvedic therapy aimed at genitourinary system disorders. It belongs to the category of Vasti treatments, where medicinal substances are introduced through the urethra or vaginal canal. (Refer to the Vasti section for more details.)


Vamana, known as medical vomiting, is employed to expel accumulated toxins from the body and respiratory system through induced vomiting. This process also clears sinuses, bringing relief from congestion, wheezing, and breathlessness.

This therapy boosts digestion and metabolism. Vamana proves highly effective against asthma, coughs, psoriasis, and skin conditions. It's beneficial for individuals dealing with gastritis, sinusitis, diabetes, and neurological disorders.

However, Vamana isn't administered to children, elderly patients, pregnant women, obese individuals, and those with heart issues or internal bleeding.


Virechana is a detoxification therapy designed to eliminate toxins and waste from various body systems, channeling them to the digestive system for elimination.

Customized herbal medicines are administered based on patients' conditions and diseases. Virechana revitalizes the body, boosts appetite, and addresses skin issues. It's effective for conditions like eczema, dermatitis, and dryness associated with psoriasis. This therapy enhances immunity, fosters digestion, regulates metabolism and mitigates chronic disease intensity.

Virechana is typically advised for chronic fever, diabetes, asthma, joint disorders, digestive troubles, excessive acidity, headaches, and gynecological disorders. However, individuals with weak digestion, rectal bleeding, hard bowel movements, diarrhea, or normal fever are advised to avoid Virechana therapy.


Agnikarma, an age-old Ayurvedic technique, involves the controlled application of heat to specific body areas using a tool called 'Salaka'.

This therapy provides remarkable relief from chronic pain and stiffness and proves beneficial for conditions like corns, warts, tennis elbow, frozen shoulder, heel pain, trigger finger, and carpal tunnel syndrome.

A notable advantage of Agni karma is its immediate effect. Patients can resume their daily activities without restriction, and the procedure is relatively tolerable.


Tarpana is a beneficial procedure for eye health with remarkable outcomes. This therapy entails applying lukewarm medicated ghee over the eyes, creating a dough barrier around them for a specific duration based on the condition.

Afterward, the eyes are given complete rest for a few days. Tarpana rejuvenates and fortifies the eyes, enhancing clarity and vision. It addresses eye concerns such as strain, dryness, and itching, and can even assist in reducing the need for eyeglass prescriptions.


Raktamoksha is an Ayurvedic therapy involving controlled bloodletting from affected body parts. This method aims to remove impure blood, addressing the underlying disease.

Multiple techniques exist for Raktamoksha. Leech therapy, a well-known and effective approach, has shown remarkable outcomes in diverse conditions such as skin diseases, non-healing ulcers, burning sensations, and specific types of hair loss (alopecia). However, Raktamoksha should be avoided by individuals with anemia, jaundice, uncontrolled diabetes, and other debilitating conditions.


Snehapana is an Ayurvedic therapy involving the consumption of medicated ghee or oils to prepare the body for detoxification. This internal oleation process helps soften toxins and enhances their elimination during detox treatments like Vamana and Virechana. Under expert guidance, specific ghee or oil is gradually consumed over a set duration to improve the effectiveness and safety of detox procedures.